International Pillow Fight Day in Copley Sq.

Images of a pillow fight celebrating International Pillow Fight Day in Downtown Boston organized by Banditos Misteriosos, an area group that promotes "flash mob" events.

March 22, 2008 -- Casey Cyr, 15, of Londonderry High School came from New Hampshire to participate in the pillow fight in Copley Square, Saturday.

March 22, 2008 -- According to Banditos Misteriosos, about 900 people participated in the pillow fight in Copley Square, Saturday. Some other cities that celebrated Pillow Fight DAy included Beijing, London, Stockholm.

March 22, 2008 -- James Simoneau of Boston University, attempts to hit a fellow participant during a pillow fight in Copley Square, Saturday.

March 22, 2008 -- Occasionally pillows would burst and create a blizzard of feathers at the International Pillow Fight held in Copley Square, Saturday.

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